8928Kat Emerson could really use a Christmas miracle! The aspiring singer-songwriter may have big dreams, but she has even bigger problems. Treated like a servant by her vain stepmother and self-involved stepsisters, Kat is forced into a demoralizing job as a singing elf at billionaire Terrence Wintergardenâ€TMs Santa Land. But there is one bright spot to the job: Nick, the handsome new Santa at the tree lot. When Kat gets invited to the prestigious Wintergarden Christmas Gala, her stepfamily is determined to prevent her from attending and snag their own invitation. Could an attentive dog, a loyal BFF and a sprinkling of holiday magic help turn things around for Kat? Join Laura Marano (Disneyâ€TMs Austin & Ally), Gregg Sulkin (Marvelâ€TMs Runaways) and Isabella Gomez (One Day at a Time) in this modern-day reimagining of the cherished classic, featuring original music and holiday favorites.
9483好色而破产的汽车补缀厂老板林红光(彭波 饰)接到房地产公司抠门老板的一单特别使命:弄一辆宝马3系车烧给本身因车祸死往的儿子。林红光低价拉拢颠末喷鼻港洪兴过气的社团参谋B哥(吴志雄 饰)包装后的周日发(成宗焕 饰)的黑社会团队来履行打算,而本身却拿着房地产公司给的经费拈花惹草。为了可以或许顺遂泡到一个大族 怨妇,林红光进修打高尔夫球并从苏瑞(戎祥 饰)手里强行借来宝马汽车充体面。就在林红光行将到手的时刻,大族女突焦虑病,人事不知。觉得大族女死往的林红光只得将大族女躲在汽车后备箱内筹办措置,却被俄然赶到得苏瑞强行开走车子。苏瑞愁闷回家醉酒人事不知时,爱车如命、临危不惧的刘自立(陈小春 饰)、要偷走大族女“尸身”的林红光、执着的周日发社团,全数都起头环绕宝马汽车进行各类步履。因而,在重庆都会的暗夜里,多条线索、多路人马激发了一场百辆汽车追逐宝马轿车刺激排场……